The desert land in the middle east is a conglomerate of different tribes ruled by kingdoms. Some of the famous kingdoms which ruled these regions are the Persians, Caliphates, Egyptians in the north of Africa.
Recorded history talk of the rivalry of the Greeks led by the Alexander the Great and the Persians. Similarly, the Roman conquests of Parthians and the revenge of the Sassanid against the Romans are incidents of history which changed the course of nationhood.
UAE or the United Arab Emirates is such a country with a history beset with change of powers, occupation, and final independence.
Oil & Gas in the Gulf
Every country has gone through a history of being poor and underdeveloped to a more developed nation. Sumerian sources talk about the Magan civilization which pervaded the modern Oman and UAE.
The Sassanid kingdoms of middle east were defeated by the caliphate armies led by Abu al Baker. The harsh desert conditions created tribesmen who were nomads wandering for food by working in agriculture and hunting. Formation of settlements through such wanderings and conflicts with the locals led to tribal groupings with different sur names. These sur names are those used by many. For example, Bani Yas, Al Bu Falah, Al Ain, Liwa, Dhawahir, etc. are names of such tribal names which are carried even now.
The European rise in the Persian Gulf led to conquest of the Emirates by the Portuguese and later by the British. The importance of the port was recognized by the British and a series of economic and peace treaties were signed. In a further development in the 20th century pearling business gave opportunity to the locals. But independent India imposed tariffs and thus the pearling business faded away.
In the meanwhile, the British had invested in Petroleum exploration. While there was success in this exploration there was no success due to the rivalry between the rulers. The oil revenue started to pour into the principal Trucial states. The British decided to exit the treaties with the Trucial states in 1971.
The Trucial states finally entered into an agreement and formed the modern United Arab Emirates.
Economy & Education
The 1960’s saw the revenue from oil for the emirates. The ruler of Abu Dhabi invested these earnings into infrastructure. Currently they are the second large economy after Saudi Arabia with a GDP of USD 414 Billion. 6th wealthiest in the region, UAE is dependent upon Oil and technology services for its economic success. Services (56%) and Industry (43%) are the prime drivers of the economy. Strategically opening of the job sector to outsiders has encouraged businesses to invest. Jobs in the oil sector as technicians, engineers, AC mechanics, software developers, architects, civil engineers, education technology providers are in great demand in this part of the country.
However, the infrastructure in the country and the jobs opportunities has attracted international universities to set up offshore campus. More than 25 foreign universities have set up their campuses in different parts of the emirates.
To the international student Dubai as a study destination in the Emirates is driven primarily by the listed factors below:

- Opportunity to work in Dubai/Abu Dhabi/Sharjah
- International quality campuses
- English medium instruction
- 5-year Post study opportunities for the meritorious
Eligibility Norms & Profile Suitability
- IELTS score of 6.0 or equivalent
- Students should have relevant qualification with bachelors or equivalent diploma certifications
- CGPA of 3.2 or above is required
Application Window
While the applications are open until a few months before the program commences it is always good to start applying a good 6 months ahead. Since the timelines vary from institution to institution it is advisable to either go through the website or consult an expert.
Financing and Scholarship
Every university has its own scholarship norms. There are foundations who support students with generous scholarship. For more details of the foundations and the scholarships please visit www.3snext.org